Electrical wires & cables are installed in almost any type of environment, some of which are susceptible to pests, rodents or termites especially true for underground cable installation projects. direct burial.

The cable sheathing material is very attractive to rodents such as mice, including cats and dogs, due to its plasticizers and fragrance. The color and texture of the cable sheath material can also appeal to them.

Termites live in nests deep in the soil. Although their basic diet is cellulose in organic waste and plant roots, once they have exhausted their natural source of cellulose, they will seek out other man-made sources found in power cables.

When the cable insulation is penetrated, it can cause a short circuit and the risk of fire and explosion. Therefore, where there is a risk of cables being attacked by these animals, we need to consider adding a protective additive to the cable manufacturing component to prevent attack.

Prevent animals and insects from attacking cables

There are two general methods of protecting electrical cables from rodents, pests and termites, which are the use of physical barriers or chemical additives.

1. Physical barrier

For rodent and pest problems, commonly used protective barriers include ductwork and steel tape. These screens are designed to prevent insects and rodents from getting deep into the inner layers of cables.

For termites, an effective long-term solution is to use Nylon-12 wrap, which is a tough material that termites cannot bite through.

2. Chemical additives

A more effective alternative is to use chemical additives that are certified against Pest-Resistant (PR), Anti-Rodent (AR) or Anti-Termite ( AT). Additives are added to the cable’s outer sheath manufacturing component during extrusion manufacturing to provide long-lasting effects due to controlled release of active ingredients.

Examples of rodent-resistant ingredients include capsaicin (chili), which is added to and gives the rind a spicy or bitter taste. Since animals have a superior sense of smell to humans, the additives produce scents that are unappealing to animals but are not toxic.

On the other hand, termite resistant cables are treated with insect growth regulators to repel and disrupt their growth and reproduction.

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